
MSM Student 关注的焦点: Meet the MSM 当代的表现 students in 骰子三, 11月8日火博体育官网的演唱会

This story was published prior to 骰子三’s November 8 performance at MSM.

MSM 当代的表现 students Adeline DeBella (MM ’24), 格蕾丝·普雷斯利(24届MM), 和 Sam Friedman (MM ’24) will be in concert at MSM on November 8 at 7:30 PM with their 骰子三, 同学特色, 女高音陈悦, DMA学生.

The next day, the four are off to Germany for a residency with the MultiPhonics节日 在马格德堡, Germany where they will showcase 作文s by current 和 former MSM students in three concerts from Friday, 11月10日至11月12日星期日.

艾德琳、格蕾丝和萨姆吃了一惊 骰子三 after collaborating during an MSM composers’ concert last fall.

“We had such a blast working on this project 和 became fast friends,” they explain. “After the performance we decided to form a trio because we couldn’t imagine not making music together.”

We spoke to them about the concert at MSM in 米勒演奏厅, their trip to the MultiPhonics节日, 到目前为止,他们火博体育官网的时间.


See 骰子三 at MSM before they leave for Germany!

7:30 PM

  • 艾德琳·德贝拉(MM '24)

    家乡: 宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿
    主要: 现代长笛

    Adeline DeBella is a second-year masters student studying under the tutelage of Tara Helen O’Connor. She is specifically interested in commissioning 和 performing works for alto 和 bass flutes 和 bringing their lush sonorities 和 extended timbral possibilities to new audiences.

  • 山姆·弗里德曼(MM '24)

    家乡: 纽约,纽约
    主要: 当代小号

    Sam Friedman a second-year masters student studying under the tutelage of Br和on Ridenour. Sam is interested in exp和ing the range of artistic possibilities of the trumpet 和 is fascinated by the roles that music 和 sound can play in our relationship to the environment.

  • 格蕾丝·普雷斯利(24届MM)

    家乡: 北卡罗来纳州的西尔瓦
    主要: 当代萨克斯

    Grace Pressley is a second-year masters student studying under the tutelage of 艾琳·罗杰斯. Grace focuses on diversity in programming, as she is actively seeking ways to make the performing arts community a more inclusive space. As a dedicated proponent of new music, she is looking for ways to be involved in commissioning projects by underrepresented composers 和 is consistently programming new works on her own recitals.

  • 参见DICE TRIO火博体育官网!


跟我们说说骰子三吧! 你是谁?? 你是怎么来的?

骰子: Dice is a proponent of the music of our time. The ensemble regularly performs innovative, boundary-pushing new music 和 values the progressions of such music. 除了, Dice places an emphasis on inclusivity in regard to venue spaces, 金融的可用性, 还有合作作曲家.

We all met last fall as incoming master’s students in the 当代的表现 program (CPP). In October, we were asked by former 作文 student 宋美龄吴 (MM ’23) to play her work for an MSM composer’s concert 和 began working together more closely. We had such a blast working on this project 和 became fast friends. After the performance we decided to form a trio because we couldn’t imagine not making music together.

As a trio, who are your inspirations?

骰子: We take inspiration from current 和 past MSM students — learning so much about performance, 作文, 以及来自同行的合作. New music ensembles in NYC — especially ensembles who started through CPP — inspire us to push music in a new direction as we 继续 our careers outside of MSM. We are especially grateful for professors who have continuously inspired 和 guided us as we have grown this past year. We want to give a special thanks to professors 艾琳·罗杰斯Dr. 玲子抛出 who are invaluable mentors to us, personally 和 professionally.

“We are so grateful for the resources, 机会, 和 support that we have received as CPP students. We have learned so much about how to be champions of new music, 和 we have made friendships that we will carry with us far after graduation.”

Why should people come 和 see this performance?

骰子: Our concert features seven new works written for us by current 和 former MSM 作文 students, 都有着截然不同的风格. We will be playing music with electronics, alternate tuning systems, 和 theatrics. 除了, we are collaborating with 女高音陈悦 on three of the pieces 和 are so excited to be working with such a talented vocalist!

Tell us about the pieces you’ll be presenting at the MultiPhonics节日.

骰子: Our performance at the MultiPhonics节日 will feature the same program that we are presenting at MSM. 除了, we will be leading a master class 和 workshop for a new music ensemble in the area.

What piece of advice do you have for anybody interested in the CPP program at MSM?

骰子: 这样做! We are so grateful for the resources, 机会, 和 support that we have received as CPP students. We have learned so much about how to be champions of new music, 和 we have made friendships that we will carry with us far after graduation.


